Why Brackenbury
…..some of the things we do to make our school special for everyone:
- We teach a broad, deep and enriched National Curriculum with a range of exciting activities, visitors and events to inspire our children to love learning.
- We love going on many trips which are linked to our learning in class. We visit places of interest such as local museums, parks, places of worship and art galleries as well as take Year 6 on a residential trip.
- We have a long history of participation and achievement in borough sports competitions.
- We have an after school club programme with activities such as football, yoga, art, music, multi-sports, and netball.
- We have recently been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag award for our work on raising environmental awareness.
- We hold a Healthy Schools’ Gold Award for engaging with the wider community to help children achieve and maintain good health and wellbeing.
- We give children across the school opportunities to be involved and take responsibility through being members of the School Council or Eco Committee or in Year 6 through being a Prefect.
- We have special whole school days through the year including European Day of Languages, International Day, and World Book Day.
- We have an Arts week each summer celebrating all areas of the arts culminating with our whole school ‘Proms in the playground’.
- We have a specialist MFL teacher to teach French to all classes from Year 1 to 6.
- We have a specialist music teacher to take all children for music and singing as well as lead our KS2 choir.
- We have a specialist PE teacher who teaches all children from Reception to Y6 during PE sessions each week.
- We offer musical instrument tuition with qualified teachers through Pelican Music.
- We have skilled support staff who support learning and Special Educational Needs, assisting ‘new to English’ pupils, those needing extra consolidation and those who could benefit from extension opportunities.
- We prioritise pastoral support and each class has weekly PSHCE lessons. We have a Behaviour for Learning practitioner who supports children through emotional and social difficulties. Additionally, we work with outside agencies to support our children: CAMHS; Early Help; West London Zone and Speech and Language Therapy.
- We have a comprehensive newsletter published regularly and Twitter feed sharing learning and events from across the school, and giving useful information to parents.
- We have the support of a very active Parent School Association (PSA).
- We have a breakfast club available each morning from 8:00-8.50.
- We have after school provision available until 6.00pm.
- Our children transition to wonderful secondary schools: West London Free School, Hammersmith Academy, Godolphin & Latymer, and Chiswick Secondary School, to name a few.
Views of current parents about our school
We asked our current parents what their impressions of the school are and what they would say about the school to other parents looking for a school. Here is what they said:
This is a very inclusive, supportive school which is well organised. It has the right balance between ensuring students are making the right progress as well as having fun. Teachers are very supportive but ensure parents are fully aware and accountable for the development of their children
Friendly, welcoming, warm, diverse community primary school which sets children up well for Secondary School. Brackenbury is a great Primary School which has been a fantastic start to our children’s education
This is a school that lets children express themselves individually. It accepts all cultures and backgrounds
I love how parents are very encouraged to take part in the school’s life. I am very impressed how the school is involved in so many extra-curricular activities and various programmes and challenges. Everyone is welcome
It is a great school, having four kids we have found that all the staff are great. Any problems we have had have been solved straight away. I believe the school is thriving and hopefully will be for years to come it is a pleasure sending my kids here
The school has a lovely environment and very good pastoral care. The children are supported in their learning as well as personal development
All staff are approachable, very helpful. My kids are gaining a great education here. My oldest daughter has just left Year Six and had great support throughout her time at Brackenbury, especially through the SATs
I am very happy. My children came last September from a different school. It’s been two months and I can see a big difference in my children. My daughter was helped by her teacher to settle into her new class as she was a bit shy. The teaching is great, we really like the homework project at the end of term as it is a fun way of learning
Brackenbury was my only choice of school and I wouldn’t have wanted him to go to any other school. The school is a great friendly place and learning is fun for children
Excellent school with fantastic teachers and students. In the eight years being involved with the school I have never had a single complaint. All my concerns have been dealt with swiftly. My children are and always have been happy in this school
A well run school with a staff who all are a great deal about the pupils learning and well-being as well as their extra-curricular development to produce well-rounded members of society
Brackenbury is a lovely school with lovely staff. My children have developed so much since they started here a year and a half ago. This is really shown through their attitude towards work and show within their books as well.
The school has a great sense of community. It is friendly open and caring
I would say the school is a lovely accommodating, place for the children to grow up and learn in
A lovely caring, inclusive school. Brackenbury takes their mission of ensuring that children from all backgrounds get the same chance and work towards the same standards seriously. Management and teaching teams are very dedicated
Very caring teachers and committed leadership team
Teachers are great, education is great, children are well behaved and the school is well-organised.
I am happy that my children like the school and happy with the care the teachers display towards the children
We like the school, like the staff and the atmosphere. It is a big school but we have always felt that our children have been taught in a controlled and structured fashion in an environment that is conducive to learning
We feel like the school has strong leadership with a firm sense of values and direction. The teaching staff seem committed and invested in developing their pupils
We are impressed with the curriculum and how caring all the staff are. Great environment for the kids to grow confidently
Children are happy studying here, there is a good learning environment. Teachers are easy to approach regarding any aspect of concern and they are willing listeners
We’ve been here a long time, nearly seven years so I can say that is a really good school. All the staff want to help
It’s an amazing and safe atmosphere a great place for learning and development
We have a very positive impression of the school – our daughter is very happy here. It is a friendly diverse school. All the children seem well behaved and happy in the school setting
A very good school that give the children a lot of opportunities. The teachers are very nice and supportive
A lovely friendly environment, lots of smiling faces. It’s a great school and I have no hesitation recommending it to others
Brackenbury School is the right school for our children, the school is beautiful, the teachers and staff are very helpful. We totally recommend it
We like the building and how it is maintained, staff are friendly and always eager to help. The playgrounds are nice for the children and classrooms are light and spacious. The teachers are positive and approachable
The teachers have been exceptionally fantastic, children are lovely and my child is very happy and has made some lovely friends