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Brackenbury Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

Term Dates

Term Dates

Please note that dates are sometimes changed throughout the year. Please read the school newsletter for changes. 

2024/25 Term Dates

Brackenbury Term Dates 2024/25

bkw partnership term dates 2024 2025.pdf


2025/26 Academic Year

Brackenbury Term Dates 2025/26

bkw partnership term dates 2025 2026.pdf




Future Academic Years

The school governors approve school term dates and INSET days on an annual basis.   When dates have been approved they will appear on this webpage.

As a community school we generally follow the LBHF term dates.  For future years, as a guide, these term dates can be found on the LBHF website   


Parents should note that INSET days are not included within the LBHF dates and you should confirm with the school actual dates before booking travel arrangements.

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