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Brackenbury Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil premium funding is an additional funding stream that aims to narrow the gap in achievement and attainment between children entitled to free school meals (FSM) and their non FSM peers. The Government has extended its reach to cover any child that has been registered for FSM or a Child Looked After (CLA) within the past six years.

According to the DfE, schools have the freedom to spend the funding as they see fit based upon their knowledge of pupil need; ‘It is for the schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what educational provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility’ (DfE website).

2024/25 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and 2023/24 Evaluation Report

2024/5 Pupil Premium and Strategy Statement and 2023/24 Evaluation

2023/24 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and 2022/23  Evaluation Report

2023/24 Pupil premium strategy statement and recovery funding allocation 2022/23 Evaluation report

2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and 2021/22  Evaluation Report

2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy report and 2021/22 Impact and Evaluation Report

Prior to the DFE model reporting format being produced, seperate strategy and evaluation documents were written.   These can be seen below.

2021/22 Academic Year Strategy Statement

For further details on the planned expenditure of the 2020/21 please see the document belowPupil premium strategy statement 2021.22

2020/21 Academic Year Evaluation Report

The report that evaluates the impact of the expenditure in 2020/21 can be viewed below.Pupil Premium report 2020.21


If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be eligible for Pupil Premium and you could save hundreds of pounds a year on school meal costs / holiday lunches etc. The school also benefits, as we could receive up to £ 1,345 per year from the government for each child registered, which can be used for books, equipment or additional staff. 

Use our Free School Meals eligibility checker Any parent can check. Parents with children in Nursery, Reception, Y1 and Y2 and any parent whose child has a packed lunch, so don’t pay for lunches, may also use the checker and the school could still receive the additional funding and parents funding for holiday lunches and discounted extra-curricular clubs.

To apply please complete the form on your local authority’s website

For LBHF residents please click here

You must inform the school office once it has been confirmed that you are eligible for pupil premium as the school will not receive the additional funding for teaching and learning unless we know.

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