New Starters
We’ve created this page to share information about our school to new children and their parents once you have been offered a place by Hammersmith and Fulham Council. If you are interested in joining our school please see our Admissions page. This page is where you will find all the information you need to get set up for your child starting at Brackenbury.
We’ve listed below the information that is relevant to new starters in all year groups so please take time to read the documents. The ‘forms to complete’ section is very important. To be able to set new starters up on all our systems (e.g. email, paying for items and meal ordering) we require the information on these registration forms. Therefore please complete them as soon as possible and return them to school.
Information on School Procedures
This is an information booklet about school policies and procedures. Please download and read this before your child starts school it contains lots of useful information.
School Meals Welcome FlyerForms to complete
This form must be return to school prior to your child starting.Please read this booklet and return the last page which contains a form that must be return to school prior to your child starting
Parent permission and data protection booklet
We ask that all parents complete and return this form if they are eligible
Free School Meals Application form
Only parents of a child with a food allergy need to complete this form
School meals allergy and special diet form
Starting in Reception in September
Our Information Evening for parents of children starting in reception September will take place in the Summer term.Ensuring a smooth start to Reception – starting school informationThis document lists some activities and ideas to support a smooth transition into primary school.