History Intent
At Brackenbury, we believe that history is a journey that inspires children to know not only facts and dates of the past but become detectives through practical activities which allows them to explore the past in an exciting way. Children are encouraged to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology, and build an overview of the history of Britain as well as that of the wider world. We help children to understand how people have lived in this past and compare this to modern life and their own experiences. The handling of real artefacts, workshops and visits to historical places, provides children with the opportunity for exploring history in a unique way. We enable children to communicate historically whilst building a love and curiosity through thinking and acting as historians. Children benefit from learning through a wide range of high-quality activities where they engage in debates, discussions and research.
History Implementation and Impact
At our school, we use skills and knowledge progression grids to ensure that all aspects of the history curriculum are being taught across all year groups in line with the National Curriculum. Each year group’s planning shows progression from the previous year and we make links back to what children have learned so that they are able to build on previous knowledge and develop skills already taught. At Brackenbury, we have adopted an enquiry-based approach which allows children to formulate historical questions about the past by examining, organising and explaining events that have happened in a creative way. This particularly allows them to think critically about how and why history is viewed.
We start each new history topic with a ‘hook’ which engages, excites and is a gateway into a new and exciting topic. History provides excellent opportunities to support all learning abilities through investigations, visits and analysing sources. Educational visits are a key part of our history curriculum. They offer opportunity for teachers to plan for additional history learning outside the classroom. Our children have explored local museums and had visitors into school to share learning and have hands on experiences.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of history through the teaching of ‘Understanding the World’. This aspect of children’s learning is about how children find out and discover past and present events in their own lives and their families. Children develop a sense of change over time and are given opportunities to track the passing of time through seasonal change, looking at photos of past and present and growing plants.
Foundation subjects are assessed at the end of each year where children will either be working towards, at or above age-related expectations. This is then used by teachers to in the following year to ensure all children continue to make the expected progress.
The impact of the high quality history units taught at Brackenbury can be seen through the progress our children make by the end of each year. Through pupil voice, children will be able to explain their understanding of the skills and knowledge they have learned throughout the year. Children’s learning will be reflected in their books which will show a range of learning opportunities, including cross-curricular links. Throughout the year, monitoring and assessments will show high standards in history across the school.
Progression of skills and knowledge
Our ‘History subject progression of skills and knowledge ‘ document gives further information about what the children are taught in this subject by year group.
History progression of skills and knowledge
History Long Term Plan
History National Curriculum
If you would like to know more, please visit History National Curriculum