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Brackenbury Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park



Welcome to Brackenbury Primary School’s Eco-Schools page. We began our Eco-Schools journey in September 2019 and our Eco-Committee quickly gained the Bronze Award. A year later in December 2020 we were awarded the Silver Award. Our next step was to become a ‘Green Flag’ School which we achieved in September 2021 and renewed again in 2023!

Brackenbury Primary School has been rewarded the prestigious Green Flag in the Eco-Schools Award. Two children in each year group have been a member of the Eco-Committee for two years, meeting regularly, creating an action plan and ensuring the actions are fulfilled within the classrooms.

Teachers spent time looking at all subjects taught and finding eco-links in the curriculum. We have tackled the issues of waste by monitoring that paper is being recycled correctly in classrooms, holding a ‘Paper-Free Day’ and using new compost bins to enable us to use food waste to fertilise our plants. On the topic of energy, we have asked the council for the school’s energy provider to be green, cut down on our energy use with ‘Switch off Fortnight’ and a Screen-Free Day, as well as monitoring switches, lights, screens being turned off when not in use.

For our marine topic, the committee has focussed on banning single-use plastics at school and taking part in a litter pick with Plogolution to prevent plastics ending up in the River Thames (and future plans for all children in the school to do at least one ‘plog’ per academic year linked to PE), while staff have focussed on educating about the effect of global warming on sea temperatures, rising water levels, death of coral and over-fishing.



Our Eco-School curriculum has been mapped out and can be viewed below
Brackenbury curriculum overviewhere is our  of current coverage of links to the Eco-Schools topics of biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, healthy living, litter, marine, school grounds, transport, waste and water:


eduCCate Project

Brackenbury has begun its ‘eduCCate Global’ journey to develop our very own cross-curricular climate change education and sustainability curriculum! More information can be found on the website:

Educcateglobal Website


 Learning on Waste, Energy and Marine

Take a look at some of the amazing learning about our three chosen topics of Waste, Energy and Marine completed by children across the school from years one to year six by looking at the Examples of Work below.Examples of Work

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