Online Safety.
Cyber bullying, grooming, violent and inappropriate images or video and sharing personal information and photos are all an online threat to children.
It is important to protect your children using the available free settings on your home devices and computers.
At Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park Federation we are committed to the use of computer technologies and recognise the internet as a valuable tool for learners of all ages. However, we acknowledge the potential for inappropriate use and access to undesirable material and thus we have a duty of care to protect our pupils through the provision of a thorough and comprehensive e-safety education.
All pupils use computer facilities, including the internet as an essential part of the curriculum and to support learning opportunities wherever possible.
Full details of our online safety procedures can be viewed in our Online Safety Policy that can be viewed from our Policies Page
Further advice - LGFL Parent Safe Website
The below website has a wealth of resources and advice for parents to support keeping your child safe online and beyond.