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Brackenbury Primary School

Part of the
Brackenbury, Kenmont and Wendell Park

Design Technology

Design Technology

Design Technology Intent

By linking DT to our half-termly topics, each class takes part in a creative and imaginative design and technology curriculum. In three projects across the course of the school year, each child has the chance to discover and develop their technical, practical and creative skills, whilst solving problems and creating models linked to their cross-curricular topic. Year-on-year, the children follow the same structure of investigating, designing, making and evaluating. During this process, they are able to build on their skills from the previous year through a range of projects, learning to build and develop functional structures using a variety of materials and tools. Throughout their time at Brackenbury, children explore many techniques such as constructing, stitching, cooking, all the while linking into other subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art. This cross-curricular approach allows children to both apply their knowledge and understanding of DT to other school subjects, but also provides an excellent base for further life as they are learning key skills such as the importance of healthy eating, the basics of engineering and problem solving.

 Design Technology Implementation and Impact

The DT curriculum at Brackenbury is based on the National Curriculum objectives. These objectives have been developed to involve the progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6. DT lessons are delivered by the class teacher through a combination of whole class learning and small group teaching. During these lessons, children have the opportunity to experience a range of materials and tools. All KS1 and KS2 children take part in three DT units across the academic year and have the opportunity to take part in STEM week. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of DT involves the following;

  • Each year group completes a unit of DT 3 times per academic year with a final product being made at the end of each unit. Each unit of DT is either taught weekly or it is planned and taught as a block. Differentiated planning is in place where necessary to ensure that lessons are accessible by all children.
  • Through the delivery of DT, children are able to problem solve. Where applicable, DT is linked to Science so children are encouraged to make links between these topics and use their knowledge to answer questions and solve problems.
  • The planning and teaching of DT follows the cycle of design, make and evaluate. Children are exposed to real life examples of the product they will be creating and are encouraged to observe and ask questions. At this stage, famous and infamous designers are discussed as well as any experience the children already have. Building on knowledge and experiences children already have are invaluable.
  • Before the design of their product, children will have the chance to practise the skills required of them. E.g. Cutting playdough in Year 1 before creating fruit kebabs and practising a variety of stitches before sewing bags in Year 4. Teachers demonstrate how to correctly and safely use tools and finished products are also shown to the children.
  • After children have made their product they are given the opportunity to reflect on their product and identify areas of success and further development as well as reflecting on the skills their have learnt or built upon.
  • DT is promoted through enrichment, such as ‘STEM Week’, in order to raise the profile of technology and provide children an opportunity to explore STEM topics.
  • Opportunities to reflect and develop and built into the delivered lessons, including self and peer-assessment. In the development of confident art critics, the pupils share their opinions and make informed observations about what will improve their own practical work.


The impact of this at Brackenbury is that each year children will know more, remember more and understand more about DT. Our DT curriculum enables and encourages the children at Brackenbury to become problem solvers and learn to take risks. This is particularly appropriate given the constant changes and advances in technology in the wider world. Through studying current designs and learning to think critically, children are able to analyse product and are given opportunities to redesign or alter their own products based on its success. These skills that the children develop can be used beyond school and into adulthood. Pupils have high level of engagement and enjoyment, which is evident through pupil voice.


Progression of skills and knowledge

Our ‘DT subject progression of skills and knowledge ‘ document gives further information about what the children are taught in this subject by year group.

DT progression of skills and knowledge

Design Technology Long Term Plan

DT long term plan

Design and Technology National Curriculum

If you would like to know more, please visit DT National Curriculum

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